Academic biography
I conducted my Bachelor's degree at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio where I majored in Zoology and Environmental Science. During this time, I worked in the lab of Dr. Maria González studying trophic interactions, and predator-prey dynamics in freshwater aquatic systems. After graduation, I worked several field positions, before attending Louisiana State University to pursue a Master's degree in wildlife ecology studying habitat selection in secretive marsh birds with Dr. Sammy King. I subsequently worked with Dr. Richard Fischer at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center addressing conservation issues on military bases and Corps of Engineers properties around the U.S. Eventually I returned to graduate school at Oregon State University where I pursued a PhD in Forest Ecosystems and Society with Dr. Matt Betts studying the impacts of forest fragmentation on avian distribution patterns. I also simultaneously worked on a second Master's degree in statistics. After leaving Oregon State, I worked with Dr. Brandt Ryder and Dr. Scott Sillett at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center to compare land-sparing and land-sharing approaches for conserving avian biodiversity in coffee growing systems. I then with Dr. Jim Rivers on the Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project to better understand factors limiting the distribution of this endangered seabird before joining the USGS Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Auburn University.

Other things about me
When I'm not working, I love to cook, hike, bird watch, and travel to explore new places. I'm sort of a runner, I like wrapping presents, and I love places where the forest meets the ocean. I enjoy watching most sports, but particularly college football, and anything related to the Olympics. My favorite food is a green olive stuffed with blue cheese. I hate wearing costumes or when people use "cheers" as a noun or verb. I believe in good wine, sharp knives, and fresh tomatoes.