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Contact and links

Contact information

Jonathon J. Valente PhD

Assistant Unit Leader, Assistant Professor

U.S. Geological Survey

Alabama Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit

College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment

Auburn University

Email: jjv0016[at]




Google Scholar

Oregon Marbled Murrelet Project

Other links

Sierra Magazine (February 2024): Is a big patch of protected land better than many small patches?

USGS Website (December 2023): USGS ecologist forges the key to unlocking a long-standing scientific debate about habitat fragmentation.

Oregon Public Broadcasting (December 2023): Can conservationists agree on land preservation strategy?

Auburn College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment (November 2023): Auburn professor seeks to end decades-long conservation stalemate.


Storytellers of Stemm (January 2022): Jonathon Valente: Avian Ecology & Research.

Hakai Magazine (July 2021): Scientists are Tricking Birds into Finding New Homes.

Wing Beat - The American Ornithological Society blog (May 2021): Management of breeding birds using conspecific attraction requires better knowledge of when, where, and why it is likely to be effective.

Yolo Audubon Society (March 2021): Marbled Murrelets: The Enigma of the Pacific.

Oregon Public Broadcasting (February 2021): Searching for the most elusive bird in the Northwest.

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